Balance and dizziness issues are a common problem for most age groups. There are many possible causes of balance disorders. Sometimes other health issues are mistaken for a balance or dizziness disorder until a patient is properly evaluated. Vision, blood pressure and hydration are a few of the health issues that can cause symptoms similar to those of true balance and dizziness.
Our providers evaluate and treat many patients for balance and dizziness. Your general health and history are important in the diagnosis of a balance or dizziness disorder. The frequency, duration and sensation of spinning (vertigo) that a patient describes helps the provider to determine if your symptoms warrant formal testing.
The current standard for testing the body’s balance system is called the VNG test. This abbreviation stands for videonystagmography. Typically, a test takes less than 45 minutes. Patients are sometimes anxious about being tested but it is a simple process for the patient. Goggles are worn by the patient to monitor eye movement. Dizziness creates eye movement called nystagmus. During the test, the patient is seated and lying down at different stages of evaluation and eye movements are continually monitored. The final stage of the test stimulates dizziness but any dizziness created by the testing stops immediately afterwards in a few seconds. After the test is completed your provider receives the results and makes recommendations.
Some balance problems are easily corrected while others require additional testing and/ or treatment. If you are experiencing dizziness or balance concerns it is advisable to consult with your family doctor first and they will determine if referral to our office is necessary.
At MMMent, our commitment revolves around delivering top-tier, patient-centered care, placing a strong emphasis on quality. Donald Short, an experienced audiologist with a remarkable 30-year tenure, has been an integral part of MMM ENT since 2005. He holds a Master's degree in Audiology from The University of Pittsburgh. In addition to his expertise in dispensing hearing aids and conducting hearing tests, Donald specializes in performing balance testing, specifically VideoNystagmography (VNGs), right here in our office. Schedule your appointment today for comprehensive care and expert evaluation of balance disorders.
At MMM ENT, we strive to provide patient-centered care of the utmost quality to our patients. If you have not had your hearing evaluated, or suspect you may have hearing loss, call us today to schedule an appointment.