Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive office procedure, performed under local anesthesia, that delivers immediate and long-lasting relief.
What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus lining. If the sinus opening becomes blocked due to this swelling, normal mucus drainage may not occur, and this may lead to recurrent sinus infections and painful symptoms. Sinusitis can be acute, lasting for less than four weeks, or chronic, lasting longer than 12 weeks. When sinus symptoms last longer than 12 weeks, you should see one of our ENT doctors for a diagnosis.
What is the difference between chronic sinusitis and allergies or colds?
Sinusitis is often preceded by a cold or allergy attack. Colds and allergies can lead to inflamed sinuses, causing the sinus openings to become blocked. This prevents normal mucus drainage and can result in sinusitis.
How is sinusitis treated?
Sinusitis can be treated non-surgically with natural therapy such as inhaling steam or using saline nasal sprays, or ENT doctors can prescribe medications such as antibiotics or nasal steroid sprays. However, clinical studies show at least 20% of chronic sinusitis patients are not successfully treated with medical therapy. For patients who do not respond adequately to medications, an ENT doctor may recommend sinus surgery.
Traditional sinus surgery removes bone and tissue to enlarge the sinus opening with the aim of clearing blocked sinuses and restoring normal sinus drainage. With this procedure, sinus surgery recovery is often associated with pain and scarring.
Balloon Sinuplasty is a breakthrough, minimally invasive procedure that ENT doctors use to treat patients with chronic sinusitis. A tiny balloon is placed into the nose to reach the blocked sinuses and then inflated to restructure the sinus opening. The procedure is safe, effective and has a quick recovery.
Read more about Balloon Sinuplasty.
What are the advantages of the Balloon Sinuplasty over traditional sinus surgery?
Balloon Sinuplasty is less invasive than traditional surgery with minimal bleeding and low post-op pain. Most people can get back to normal activities and work quickly.
How long does symptom relief last after Balloon Sinuplasty?
Results vary by individual. A clinical study of 1,036 patients at multiple institutions reported that sinus symptoms improved in 95% of patients at an average follow-up period of 9 months. In another study, patients reported symptom improvement up to two years after having the procedure.
What are the risks associated with Balloon Sinuplasty?
Because Balloon Sinuplasty is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery there is a low complication rate. But there are some associated risks, including tissue and mucosal trauma, infection, or possible optic injury. Talk to one of our ENT doctors about the risks and benefits and to determine whether Balloon Sinuplasty is right for you.
How long does it take to recover after Balloon Sinuplasty?
While recovery time varies with each patient, most patients who undergo the in-office procedure can return to normal activities and work within 2 days.
Is Balloon Sinuplasty right for me?
It is important to talk to one of our ENT doctors about all of your sinus treatment options and ask what type of sinus therapy is best for you. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, and sinus medications have not been effective in relieving your symptoms, you may be a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty.
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